Why use an Asset Protection Trust?
Mitigate financial claims on your estate
If your family has considerable wealth, you may want to prevent it from being included in a financial settlement in divorce or protect it from bankruptcy creditors so that it can benefit future generations of your family.
Protect the interests of loved ones, particularly those who are vulnerable
Trusts are often used to protect assets for beneficiaries who lack the mental capacity to manage their own financial affairs. It is common practice to write a trust in your will so that the inheritance for younger family members is kept safe for them until they come of age.
Reduce the inheritance tax on your spouse’s estate
When you leave an asset in trust to someone in your will, it will not be included in their estate for inheritance tax purposes when they eventually die. This means you can pass on more wealth tax efficiently to the next generation.
Save money during probate
Probate costs can be high and it can be a lengthy process with beneficiaries having to wait until the probate process is complete before accessing their inheritance. For any assets held in trust, there is no probate so beneficiaries receive their inheritance sooner and the estate potentially saves on inheritance tax.
Ensure your assets remain in your bloodline
Failing to plan for asset protection may mean your wealth passes on in ways you didn’t intend. A so-called ‘sideways disinheritance’ can occur if your surviving partner remarries. If your widow or widower dies first, without adequate protection, the new spouse and their existing family will have a legitimate claim on your legacy.
Prevent claims on the estate
Sometimes parents have a good reason for leaving a child out of a will (if they have an addiction to drugs, for example) and wealth could likely be used in ways that harm them and the estate you pass on. Wills can be contested, but it’s much harder to contest a trust.
Protect the family home from care fees.
The family home can be transferred into a trust and it won’t be included in the means testing for care fees later on, but you have to be careful. If you transfer assets into a trust with the object of discounting them from a means-based care assessment this is seen as a deliberate deprivation of assets. The asset could still be considered and you may not qualify for local authority care funding. What’s more, you may struggle to pay care fees if your assets are out of reach.
There are many different reasons for setting up an Asset Protection Trust, depending on your circumstances. We understand that your situation is unique which is why at Rowlinsons Solicitors we tailor our service to you. We’re on your side to ensure your wealth is protected now and in the future.
Contact our Asset Protection Solicitors
If you are considering setting up an Asset Protection Trust to protect your assets from claims, excessive tax, or undue fees, the team at Rowlinsons Solicitors can help you.
Our team of Asset Protection Solicitors are available to assess your situation and inform you of the best option for you with a free, no-obligation assessment. Our priority is to provide you with legal advice that is tailored to your situation and protects your interests first.
Rowlinsons Solicitors is renowned in Warrington, Widnes, St Helens, Chester, Northwich, North Wales, and across the UK for the expert legal advice we provide from our offices in Frodsham and Sutton Weaver. We have been awarded the title of Highly Commended in the Boutique Private Client Team of the Year category at the British Wills and Probate Awards 2023 - an achievement reserved for the very best practices in the country. The Asset Protection team also includes members of STEP (the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), which are regarded as industry-leading experts in trusts in the UK.
Contact Rowlinsons today to speak to one of our specialist Trust Solicitors, and begin the process of setting up or managing a trust effectively.
Call us today for an initial no obligation call or click here for a call back. We also have meeting facilities in North Wales by appointment.