There is no such thing as a standard Tenancy Agreement. Each property and letting arrangement is different and making mistakes when drafting an agreement could prove costly in the future.
The majority of Tenancy Agreements which are used by private landlords are Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreements (AST’s). They normally last for a period of six to twelve months and under current legislation the tenant now enjoys less rights at the end of the tenancy term than they previously had.
Whilst an AST does guarantee possession of the property upon its expiry for the Landlord, it may still be necessary to apply to the court for possession if the tenant refuses to vacate at the end of the specified term. We can draft or review AST agreements for a fixed fee which will include an initial meeting with you to discuss the property and your requirements.
For further information or to speak to a member of our team please call 01928 735 333 or click here for a call back.